Egg and Green Bean Stir-fry


A plate of boiled, steamed, or blanched vegetable makes sense as a side sometimes. But when you want something a little more jazzed up, these green beans will do. When I try to pinpoint why this dish is so comforting to me, the thing that keeps coming back to me is the egg. It brings such softness to this dish.


For 4 servings.


1/2 pound green beans

2 oz ground dried shrimp

2 tbsp cooking oil

2 stalks green onion, white and
green part separated 

2 cloves garlic

1/2 cup water

1 egg

2 tsp fish sauce

Pepper to finish


1. Thinly cut washed green beans on a bias.

2. In a pan, heat garlic and white part of green onion in one tablespoon of oil. Once aromatic, add dried shrimp. 

3. Cook for 1 minute then add green beans to pan. Stir to coat in oil then add water to pan and cover to steam.

4. When green beans are bright green, uncover and make sure they are slightly tender. Season with fish sauce. 

5. Push green beans to the edge of the pan. Pour remaining oil and crack egg, scrambling to break it up then mixing it to coat the
green beans. 

6. Add green part of green onions, stir to combine, then remove and plate.